LATEX Document Styles art-jgr and art-grl
and the Use of B

This document describes the LATEX document styles art-jgr and art-grl that I have written for producing camera-ready copy in JGR and GRL formats. They may also be used to make manuscripts or preprints that looks exactly like a JGR or GRL reprint.

A sample file is provided illustrating how the extra commands are used. By changing the options in the \documentstyle line, it may be formatted as one-column (camera-ready copy), two-column (as reprint), and draft (as manuscript), both for JGR and for GRL. Some other variations are shown, such as how the author names appear, as well as with and without BIEM BTEX, with the `other' method commented out. The user may experiment with these alternatives him/herself.

The document styles are called in one of several ways:

Makes a manuscript version, double spaced, with title and abstract each on their own pages. This should be the original form for making up working manuscripts for submission.
Same as above, but with bigger type. With draft option, 11pt and 12pt are different.
Camera-ready copy is produced, just as JGR wants it for publication. This is for the last step of paper submission, when all corrections have been made.
The same as above but magnified by 25%. This is so better resolution is achieved after JGR reduces the output. One may also call for 12pt but the result is the same as for 11pt.
A preprint is produced looking just like a JGR reprint. Figures and tables should be included within the text, not at the end. This feature is not really required, but may be used to see how the final reprint will appear, and to estimate how many pages it needs.
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LATEX Document Styles art-jgr and art-grl
and the Use of B

This document describes the LATEX document styles art-jgr and art-grl that I have written for producing camera-ready copy in JGR and GRL formats. They may also be used to make manuscripts or preprints that looks exactly like a JGR or GRL reprint.

A sample file is provided illustrating how the extra commands are used. By changing the options in the \documentstyle line, it may be formatted as one-column (camera-ready copy), two-column (as reprint), and draft (as manuscript), both for JGR and for GRL. Some other variations are shown, such as how the author names appear, as well as with and without BIEM BTEX, with the `other' method commented out. The user may experiment with these alternatives him/herself.

The document styles are called in one of several ways:

Makes a manuscript version, double spaced, with title and abstract each on their own pages. This should be the original form for making up working manuscripts for submission.
Same as above, but with bigger type. With draft option, 11pt and 12pt are different.
Camera-ready copy is produced, just as JGR wants it for publication. This is for the last step of paper submission, when all corrections have been made.
The same as above but magnified by 25%. This is so better resolution is achieved after JGR reduces the output. One may also call for 12pt but the result is the same as for 11pt.
A preprint is produced looking just like a JGR reprint. Figures and tables should be included within the text, not at the end. This feature is not really required, but may be used to see how the final reprint will appear, and to estimate how many pages it needs.
All the possibilities listed above are also available for art-grl as well except that camera-ready copy comes in only one size: no 25% magnification.

Additional options available:

to set up the page size for European A4 paper.

to print section numbers, default being no numbers.

New commands that are available with these options
in preamble, adds the figures, one per page at the very end of the paper, in addition to the page of figure captions; is only meaningful when the figure and plate environments contain more than just a caption.

turns off the automatic marginal notes beside each figure, table, and plate definition.

turns the marginal notes back on.

as in article.

see samples for the proper application.

writes a footnote symbol in the author list.

writes text for a footnote in the author list.

inserts the AGU paper number, necessary for the JGR supplemental abstract.

writes the copyright notice with given text.

writes additional information on title page or above title; e.g., ``Submitted to J.G.R. on 12 December 1989.''

allows alternative texts for twocolumn mode (preprint) or other (draft or camera-ready).

switches automatic numbering for the specified counter to the form 4a, 4b, 4c, etc. One may specify counter as one of equation, figure, plate, table. The main number ceases to change and only the letter increments.

switches off the sub-labelling for the specified counter.

for entering the awknowlegements. May be typed either in the British or American way (acknowledgments). In either case, the American spelling is put into the output.

for the list of references if BIEM BTEX is not being used. Even without BIEM BTEX, the standard thebibliography should rather be used.

writes the author list with full addresses at the end of the text, as required by JGR and GRL.

date 1date 2date 3
writes the ``Dates received, revised, accepted'' at the end of text, as required by JGR and GRL.

writes the text for the running head num times (so that JGR can cut them out and paste them at the top of each page.

sees to it that in twocolumn mode the two columns on the last page are equally long. It must be given somewhere within the first column of the last page.

Figures, Plates, Tables
In addition to figure, there is a new plate environment that works just the same way.

Figures, plates, and tables should be put in the text within an appropriate environment at that location where they are first referred to. The figure and plate captions will then be printed at the end in camera-ready and draft modes. Similarly, all the tables will appear after the figure captions. A marginal note is printed where the environment is defined, unless \figmarkoff has been given.

Each figure and plate environment must contain one and only one \caption command. They may also contain picture generating commands (picture mode) or importing commands. These will be ignored on the page of figure captions. However, if \printfigures is given in the preamble, then all the figures will be outputted at the very end of the paper, one per page, no page numbers, page width 15 cm.

    Text of the Figure caption...}
$\textstyle \parbox{170pt}{\sloppy Leaves enough space to paste in a
figure late...
... In the other
modes, only the caption is printed on a special page at the end.}$

    \put(4,3){\makebox(0,0){Paste Here}}
    Text of the Figure caption...}
$\textstyle \parbox{170pt}{\sloppy Makes a box around the area for the figure, i...
...ll appear at the very end if
{\tt \backslash printfigures} is in the preamble.}$

  \epsfysize9cm \epsfbox{sample.eps}
    Text of the Figure caption...}
$\textstyle \parbox{170pt}{\sloppy Imports an encapsulated Post\-Script file {\t...
... the very end if {\tt \backslash printfigures}
has been given in the preamble.}$

In order to use BIEM BTEX, the author must put all the literature references into one or more bibliographical data bases. An example with fictitious entries is included with these package (sample.bib). A complete description of how to use BIEM BTEX is given in the LATEX manual, but there are some extra features that I have added.

References to the literature are not made in the text as [Daly {\it et al.} 1989], but rather as \cite{daly89}. The key daly89 is the identifying name for the reference that appears in the data base. Just how \cite is interpreted (as a number, author name and date, or some other symbol) depends on the selected bibliographystyle. The appropriate style for jgr and grl options is agu. I have changed the application of \cite slightly so that it fits in with JGR usage.

in text output
\cite{daly89} Daly et al. [1989]
\cite[]{daly89} [Daly et al., 1989]
\cite[e.g. ]{daly89} [e.g. Daly et al., 1989]
\cite{daly89,rich88} Daly et al. [1989]; Richter and Schwenn [1988]

At the location in the text where the list of references should appear, one gives the following
where the file names are those of various bibliography data bases to be searched (extension .bib).

Alternatively, one can write the bibliography oneself:

    \bibitem[Daly {\it et~al.}(1989)]{daly89}
%           |--------citation-------||-key--|
      Daly, P.~W., E. Kirsch ....
      . . . . . . .
Note that the year is written in parentheses () in the citation. This is the text that appears where the \cite{daly89} is given, but the ()'s are replaced by [] or by nothing depending on context.

In order to use bibliography data bases efficiently, it helps to have a listing of their entries and especially of their keys. To this end I have designed another bibliography style keylist that can be used with the file keylist.tex. A batch job keylist.bat simplifies the whole procedure. The file keylist.axx is also needed for this. See instructions within keylist.bat.

Printing the Sample Outputs
This package includes a sample text file (samjgr.tex) that may be outputted in the various formats available: as camera-ready copy, as double-column reprint, as draft manuscript, for JGR and for GRL. It is only necessary to alter the \documentstyle options accordingly. Provision is made to run it with or without BIEM BTEX, by commenting out certain lines as described in the file. The two ways of giving author affiliation are also shown, and may be easily altered. The idea is that one can learn more from the input text as an example and comparing it with the output.

To generate the output, one must LATEX (or compose) the samjgr.tex file. If BIEM BTEX is used, it must be processed further, first with bibtex and then at least twice with latex again, until the message LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed... no longer appears.

The complete list of files in this package is:
agu .bst AGU bibliography style definition (for BIEM BTEX)
art-agu .doc Source file with comments for both style files
art-grl .sty GRL style option, comments removed
art-jgr .sty JGR style option, comments removed
changes .v41 List of changes between versions 4.0 and 4.1
changes .v42 List of changes between versions 4.1 and 4.2
guide .tex Source text for this Guide
jgrman .tex A manual for the JGR and GRL style options
keylist .bst Bibliography style definition for keylist
keylist .tex A .tex file that lists the contents of a bibliographic data base with its keys
makesty .tex A driver for the docstrip program, which when TEX'd extracts the two .sty files from art-agu.doc. Requires that docstrip.tex be in the system
samjgr .tex Sample text file for experimenting
sample .bib Bibliography data base for the samples
read .me An information file (Ascii)

to Patrick W. Daly, 1993 July 23